For FIG 2003, the 3rd Platoon Leader, 1LT Sandy Newman, received a temporary appointment to Captain and served as the Allied Forces' Operations Officer (S3). The remainder of Easy Company formed the nucleus of "Item" Company which was made up of all the U.S. Airborne units registered for the event. Capt. Sollitto was the CO of the Company and 1SGT Pierce acted as the companies Top NCO.

Captain's Orders.jpg (18976 bytes)
Captain's Orders
Capt. Sollitto gives orders of the day; S/Sgt. Wilson in background.

Staff Conference.jpg (21436 bytes)
    Staff Conference
Capt. Newman (Allied BN S3) and Capt. Sollitto confer on the battle plan.

Top Sgt[1]. Pearce.jpg (20038 bytes)
Top Sgt. Pearce
Geared up for action.

Checking Gear.jpg (17189 bytes)
Checking Gear

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Padre Del Signore
Chaplain Capt. Del Signore providing divine inspiration and comfort.

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 Battlefield Service
Chaplain Capt. Del Signore blesses the company.

Easy Forming Up.jpg (29737 bytes)
Easy Forming Up
Getting ready to move to Bastogne.

Awaiting Orders.jpg (28809 bytes)
Awaiting Orders
Sgt. Piziak listens for the word.

Road to Bastogne.jpg (23079 bytes)
Road to Bastogne
Taking five en route.

LMG Section Goes Into Action.jpg (28855 bytes)
LMG Section Goes Into Action
Sgt. Piziak, Cpl. Feil, PFC. Manter and S/Sgt. Wilson ready the 30-cal.

Flank Security.jpg (31716 bytes)
Flank Security
Watching for the enemy

On the Alert.jpg (29805 bytes)
On the Alert
Easy troopers maintain watch over the route.

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Squad Leader
Sgt. Piziak ready and waiting for orders.

Chowtime.jpg (26010 bytes)
Two Easy troopers heat up c-rations.

Pvt[1]. Greene On Watch.jpg (18236 bytes)
Pvt. Greene On Watch
Enemy is just over the ridge.

Enemy Sighted!.jpg (18140 bytes)
Enemy Sighted!
Pvt. Greene returns kraut fire.

Ready.jpg (20059 bytes)
Easy trooper about to unleash a clip into the enemy,

Take Aim.jpg (21867 bytes)
Take Aim
Sgt. Piziak sets a deadeye on a kraut.

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Waiting for Orders
Lt. Horan and Top Sgt. Pearce rest while waiting for the word.

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Capt. Newman confers with 1SGT John Sulek of the 82nd Airborne following the securing of Bastogne. Both were temporarily assigned to the Battalion Staff for this operation.

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Easy Company
Ready to fall in for the return march from Bastogne.

Easy Moves Out.jpg (16966 bytes)
Easy Moves Out
Easy on the road back from Bastogne.

Goodbye Bastogne.jpg (14245 bytes)
Goodbye Bastogne

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Here we see SSGT Wilson and SGT Piziak preparing for a night out following a long day in the field running down the Hun.

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Here we can see the effects of a normal Prop Blast party. This trooper (unnamed to protect the innocent) has been consuming copious amounts of the Devils Spittle. Sombrero optional.

E co 506th PIR originals.jpg (31230 bytes) 
Lastly, a photo of about half of the original members of Easy. This was taken Sunday morning as all units were required to depart by 0800 so the billets could be prepped for turn in to the Army.